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Fluid Artist

Who knows what makes an artwork appealing… it’s such a variable, and completely subjective. To each, it is different. All i know is I love to create - to experiment, and see where it may lead. 


My art is sometimes a contradiction - much as is myself. Messy/tidy. Uptight/Laidback. Grunge/ Bohemian. Calculated /Spontaneous. (‘Moody’ i hear my husband summise). Anyway, the list is lengthy… This is explanatory of my art, and also my process. There is a mix of realism and abstraction in most of my work, and while still in it’s infancy this will most likely be an evolution, to, who knows what. 


I am largely self taught in the art world. In my adult life I have had a few different career paths, my love has always been art. My fondest memories of school as a child was in the art room, I still remember the aroma… a mix of fumes, pungent paints, woody scent of the roof high shelving that housed all the exciting mediums, and the lingering of damp, but to me, all intoxicating. It was a wondrous world of possibility and creation.

After finishing school, I completed a graphic design diploma, and it became one of the paths I eventually worked in, and still do. Working in that field allowed be to still be in touch with the creative world, but each day as I tapped away on the hardware of my laptop - there was, and is, always a strong and sensuous lure of brush, pen, pencil, canvas and paper. A personal truth that was eventually realised and is something that is deserving of exploring.
Whilst my art is a fairly new discovery, it is the graphic design that is like my old favourite pair of jeans. It is comfortable, and keeps me in touch with reality. I love the creativity and also the challenge and I get to work with some amazing people and companies. I find it a great compliment to run both of the side by side, the precise art of graphic design such a contrast to the abstract art.


If you are after an art piece, hopefully there is something here that evokes some feeling and is a reminder to follow what you love.
If you are after branding, identity or print, then get in contact I would love to work with you to create something that resonates with you and your vision.

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